Friday, November 13, 2015

Modern Times in San Diego

One of my favorite times of the year is late July when I go on vacation to San Diego. My main destination is Comic-con International but I always end up staying a few days after just to enjoy the city. San Diego is such a dream, the weather is mild, the scenery is beautiful and the food is delicious. I'm a native to New York so I feel a bit bad about being so enamored with San Diego but the west coast calls to me every year.

During my latest trip in July I picked up a local beer, Modern Times. 

I don't necessarily read about beers much, this beer was a suggestion from my brother. I bought a four-pack at an Italian market but didn't drink it until I got home about a week later. Incidentally, I ended up breaking a law. You're not supposed to transport beer across state lines. We'd driven to San Diego so we crossed through New Mexico and Arizona. Luckily no one was the wiser so....let's keep this between you and me.

An 18-hour drive can wear anyone out so after resting and unpacking I decided to give this beer a try. This was all the way back in July, why am I still talking about this beer? Well, to be completely honest I still have a can in my fridge. At the time I was excited, the can stated it had citrusy notes, I love citrus! I poured out a glass and discovered a beautiful orange color that looked very appetizing, The beer definitely smelled citrusy. I took a sip and I have never been so confused with a flavor profile before.

My first sip was a mess. I tasted cigarette, mind you I don't even smoke, but I also tasted the orange. Another sip and I only tasted the orange. "Okay," I thought to myself, "this isn't so bad." I continued to drink my beer, I didn't pair it with anything, I was just having a beer at home, the third sip and the cigarette flavor had returned. Back and forth between sips I could taste orange and cigarettes. I'd heard about people drinking complex beers but I didn't fully understand what that meant until I tried Modern Times.

To be honest I'm still not sure if I like Modern Times, it definitely had a nice after taste but the cigarette part was bizarre. I know that isn't the advertised flavor but it honestly tasted like what a cigarette smells like.

This has been the most complex beer I've tried to date, most beers are very upfront with their flavor profile. They either stay bitter, dark, sweet, or sour. This one was a trip and I do recommend it if not the for the flavor but for the experience of having such a complex beer.

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