Friday, November 13, 2015

Not Your Father's Potpourri

Halloween is one of my favorite times of the year so naturally I go all out. A friend of mine was throwing a party to celebrate and as an adult we get to have beer!

I threw on a costume (my boyfriend and I were assassins of the night, ninjas!) and brought a pack of the seasonal Woodchuck cider. Once at the party I felt a little foolish after I saw not many had dressed up but that's what the beer is for. There was mostly domestic beers such as Shiner, Dos Equis, and......actually that was about it. Until I noticed Not Your Father's Root Beer. NYFRB is a new beer that has taken people by storm, you can find it at most HEB's and people have fallen in love.

True to it's name NYFRB tastes exactly like root beer!

In all honesty I don't even like root beer but it still pretty awesome that there's beer available that tastes exactly like root beer.

Next I had the cider I brought, Still looking for a beer I enjoy I usually end up sticking with ciders and Woodchuck has got to be my favorite brand of ciders.


Mmmmm....just thinking about it has me wanting more. The Fall Harvest claims to taste like apple pie but it honestly tastes and smells like potpourri which actually isn't bad. I know it sounds bad, nobody really wants to eat dried plants, but trust me the cider is delicious and has a great after taste. Don't go expecting apple pie though.

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